Search with ease, turn frowns into smiles, make video collages, and more.
Search is now a cinch with Elements 15. |
You take pictures and shoot video of all your special moments and family activities. Now find exactly what you're looking for with new automated options and touch-friendly enhancements that make organizing even faster. You can even search on a combination of things, including places, events, and other favorite subjects. |
Want to turn a frown upside down? Bring on the smiles with Photoshop Elements
Transform frowns into smiles, adjust squinting eyes, and make other quick tweaks so
everyone in your photos looks their best.
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Bring collages to life with Premiere Elements 15.
Create dynamic collages with photos and videos that show many memories at once. Perfect for sharing on Facebook, YouTube, and other social sites.*
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Only edit photos? Get Photoshop Elements 15 today for US$99.99. Buy now › |
Join the conversation and share your photos with #BestLifeEver. |
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